Interview: Who is Names M?

Born Patrick H. McFarlane to Jamaican heritage Names M migrated to Canada in the late 80's as a young teen. He attended Parkland Secondary in the Town of Sidney B.C. Been a well rounded and highly adaptable individual Names M soon found himself writing, rhyming and break dancing to pass time in a very small & boring town that catered nothing to his culture.

He spent time in Victoria B.C. attending many teen clubs on weekends where he would hound his skills alongside fellow friends, who rocked to his flows such as Nelly Futardo before she was signed to a major deal. He further went on to master the art of "Making quality music" with Hotsole Music Inc in 2001-2002 under the recording alias Mystapuka.

During this period of recording his first album he was also under the tutoring of Hotsole Music Inc CEO Kevin Williams. He finished his Audio Engineering course in 2002 and decided to return to Jamaica for a well overdue vacation in 2003. He so fell in love with the culture that he missed for 14 years that he took a 5 yr break from music after falling in love and marrying a beautiful Jamaican woman named Peta-Gaye McFarlane.


Names M and his wife spend most of their time in Jamaica raising two beautiful children. In January of 2010 he decided it was time for him to return to the Music world and created his company C.r.e.w Media Inc. “Creating Real Entertainment Worldwide” Media Inc. He return to the Music world with his debut single “Where they at” Names M Ft D Angel, A hard hitting high energy Dancehall/Hip-hop track. The video was filmed in Jamaica and the single was released in the first month of 2011, where it is getting heavy rotation on radio stations both locally and internationally.

When asked why he started a company he simple stated” I want to make quality music we can all appreciate and love. He is currently in the studio completing the highly anticipated album "L.I.F.E". Living Is Feeling Everything due out sometime this year, Names M will be a force felt in hip-hop upon his debut release and will be a major contender for 2011 and beyond.

: Can you please introduce yourself to the visitors of web site?

Hello everyone this is Names M, how are you today? LOL

: How long are you in the music business?

I have always loved music ever since I was a child growing up in Jamaica, so it’s a part of me like my skin. During the mid 90’s I performed all over Canada in the Underground Hip Hop scene, where I earned the respect of my fellow peers. Professionally I started recording in 2000 with Hotsole Music Inc with my then business partner Kevin Williams, so I’ve been involved with music for twenty years now.

: Also can you tell us what are your musical roots and where do you find your inspiration?

I grew up listening to Reggae because dancehall was not that popular in the 80’s as it is now or should I say it was not the same then. I could recall my father playing Bob Marley and Gregory Isaacs alongside other artistes of that time period. My inspiration comes from God and my everyday living.

: By the end of 2010. You released your single "Where they at" together with D'Angel. Can you please
tell us a bit more about the song?

“Where they at” is a hard hitting high energy dancehall/hip-hop It’s an anthem for the ladies to dance and feel sexy and classy to.

: What are your plans for 2011? Can we expect an album soon?

My plans for 2011 are to continue to release hits under my company C.R.E.W Media Inc and improve the standards of the Music that is coming out of Jamaica. My album is currently been recorded so I’m excited to see what the

: Thank you for your time and we wish you success and that we see you soon in Croatia.

No, thank you for this interview and I’m looking forward to rocking Croatia in the near future. I love you all. Make sure to get your copy of “Where they at” request it from your local radio station and just rock to it in the clubs.