where can i buy metformin and clomid


(Glucophage) is an oral medication that can be used along with to stimulate ovulation in women with PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome.
15 мая 2011 г. -
21 июня 2013 г. -
2 нояб. 2006 г. -
21 ч. назад -
12 окт. 2013 г. -
Huggies .... My doctor and told me to try both 50mg and 500mg together. ... Hi there, I am on my first month of trying and metformin
18 окт. 2009 г. -
The efficacy of and clomiphene citrate combination compared with clomiphene citrate alone for ovulation induction in infertile patients with PCOS.
Who has used and together and at what times of the month are best and how long for?