To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni

Petak, 6 Kolovoz, 2010.To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni

Popularni britanci poznati po hitovima "Conected", "Step it up", "Wake up" te brojnim drugima ove subote svojim veselim raspoloženjem zabavlili su okupljene u pulskoj Areni. Iako Arena nije bila prepuna ljudi, oni koji su se odlučili doći na ovaj koncert definitivno nisu požalili.

Izvrsna interakcija Roba Bircha, vokalista Stereo MC's-a okupljenu publiku podigla je na noge, te zabava nikako nije mogla izostati sa ovog Urban Summer Beats festivala.

Prije nastupa ovih britanskih legendi publiku su zagrijali Dirty Wegas i Crazy Cuisins koji su odlično odradili posao zagrijavanja publike.

M. Begić

  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni
  • To the left, to the right, step it up, it's alright... Stereo MC's u pulskoj Areni